Thursday 30 July 2015


My name is Trevor and I am a serving police officer with Suffolk Constabulary. I am also a Volunteer Police Cadet Leader with the same police force in Ipswich, and former soldier. There are currently 5 cadet units within Suffolk which have been running for between 1-5 years. The young people can join between the ages of 13-18 and are a mixture of boys and girls as well as nationalities, having so far had Polish and Serbian youngsters joining. As cadets, they will take part in various events including Suffolk Show, Dog Shows, Remembrance Parades as well as crime prevention patrols etc.

I have travelled to a number of countries both as a civilian and soldier and enjoy the opportunity of seeing differing cultures. I always try to learn even a small amount of the language of the country I am visiting, as I have noticed that the locals respect the fact that you try to speak their language even if sometimes it tends to come out as gobbledegook!

I have always had an interest in outdoor activities having taken part in climbing, abseiling, kayaking, sailing, caving, skiing in the past. I would like to add to my skills and knowledge that hopefully I can pass onto my cadets and other youth groups. I know the fun and good times I have had participating in these sports and activities and would love to see more youngsters given the opportunities I have had. It always makes me smile to see the smile on a youngsters face having achieved something they truly believed they couldn't.

My hopes are pretty much as above and my only fear is that due to work commitments I may not be able to provide as much time as I would like to the project, though I will be putting in as much effort as possible to prevent this.

As my cadets could tell you I will give a lot of enthusiasm and time to the project, and hopefully pass on some of my knowledge from my own experiences. I also have an interest in photography so am hoping to add to my skills in the media area of this project.

Below are some pictures of my cadets and I at different events:

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